My mother is white and my father was black. I am not alone in this. I grew up in the Bronx, New York City. Born in 1967. A relatively safe time and place for a brown girl of ambiguous ethnicity. As the mother of two little brown girls, I like to believe that race doesn't matter much. But the election of Barack Obama woke me up. Ignorance is everywhere. Race labels ring in my ears. They stick and they stain. Even when they fade. This is my rant, from “post-racial America”. Hoping to shed some light.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Browngirl Returns!

I’m sorry I haven’t written in a while.
A lot has happened in the world, and in my little life, since my last entry, dated January 28, 2014. I have a long list of topics, craving exposition. But like I told you before, I decided to finally hunker down and finish the manuscript project that has been occupying the better part of my brain for the past let’s–just-call-it-fifteen years. Since last October, when I stole five days in a tiny cottage in Woodstock, swearing I would come back with real progress made, I stayed the course. The shit is done. And let me tell you it was one giant effort.

When I realized I was really finished, I gleefully alerted “my agent,” who signed me to a representation deal ten years ago. She shopped an older version of the book back then; no one bit, but several publishers offered encouraging feedback. So I thought that if I worked hard at the revisions, it would sell this time. I was stunned to discover that said agent is just not that into me anymore. She’s a rock star agent, corralling a pretty fancy herd of rock star writers. The fact that she ever took interest in my writing was a blessed surprise. I let myself think that she would stay interested forever. 

So I’ve been mourning the loss, in my own quiet way.
I might decide to self-publish, if only to get the giant beast off of my plate and out into the world. I swore I wouldn’t go that route. I’d really like to hand it over to a publishing house and gain that seal of approval. I think the book is pretty damn good. My ex-agent only read twenty pages before she passed on it. I probably sent her the wrong twenty pages. I’ll show her.

Meanwhile, it occurred to me yesterday, when I decided I was done feeling depressed about this latest rejection, that my next move is obvious: it's time to get back to this here blog. Honestly, this is more fun that shaking out 400+ pages of memoir that I’ve read and re-read too many times.

On to freshness!

Expect to hear from me more often.
I’m back :)

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